Why Your Credit History is Important to Potential Employers

As hiring has evolved, potential employers are reviewing much more information in deciding whether or not to hire prospective employees. Potential employers are no longer content to review a resume, and contact references. They will also review social media history, social/club affiliations, and credit history. Why is credit history important to a prospective employer? There […]

The Price to be Paid for Obtaining Your “Free” Credit Score

Ads abound on television and the Internet offering to provide consumers with their free credit score. These ads lead consumers to believe that the failure to monitor their credit score is negligent, and could result in the denial of credit in the future. However, these ads omit the fact that the credit score that they […]

Can Bankruptcy Improve My Credit Score?

It is easily understood why a bankruptcy would have a negative impact on a consumer’s credit score, but it is also important to remember why a potential lender is reviewing your credit history. The lender wants to evaluate the risk of default or non-payment. Based on the risk, the lender may decline to make the […]